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How do I customize the style of the Accessibility Toolkit widget in my Shopify store?

Customizing the style of the Accessibility Toolkit widget is easy and can be done right from your Shopify store’s app dashboard. Follow these simple steps to personalize the widget’s appearance:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Navigate to the Apps section and click on the Accessibility Toolkit app.
  3. Once you’re inside the app, locate the ‘Widget Style’ tab on the left-hand side menu.
  4. You’ll find various style customization options, such as changing the layout, radious. Use these settings to make adjustments that match your website’s design and aesthetics.
  5. After making the desired changes, click the Save button to apply the new styling to your widget.

Remember to preview your website after customizing the widget to ensure the changes are accurately reflected. By personalizing the style of the Accessibility Toolkit widget, you can create a more cohesive look for your Shopify store while maintaining excellent accessibility for all users.

Get accessibility app for Shopify from here Accessibility Toolkit