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Appify - Accessibility Toolkit

Comprehensive Website Accessibility Solution for WCAG, EAA, & ADA Standards

Our Accessibility Toolkit App is designed to enhance the usability and accessibility of your website for all users, especially those with disabilities. Here’s a comprehensive list of the powerful tools included:

Text Size
Adjust the font size for better readability.
Choose from low saturation, high saturation, or grayscale modes.
Invert Colour
Reverse colours to enhance contrast.
Highlight Links
Make links stand out for easier navigation.
Highlight Header
Emphasize headers for better visibility.
Read Selected
Have selected text read aloud.
Read Page
Read the entire page aloud.
Line Height
Adjust the spacing between lines of text.
Letter Spacing
Change the spacing between letters.
Customize the cursor's style and size.
Text Align
Modify text alignment (left, centre, right).
Pause Animation
Stop animations to reduce distractions.
Font Type
Choose dyslexia-friendly and readable fonts.
Hide Images
Hide images to focus on text content.
Mute Sound
Disable sounds for a quieter experience.
Display extra information when hovering over elements.
Read Focus
Highlight and read the line currently in focus, and provide focus reading for navigation.
Creating an Inclusive and Customizable Shopping Experience

Our app makes your website accessible to everyone with features for language, readability, and easy navigation, accommodating diverse user needs.

  • Enhance Accessibility with Multi-Language Support
  • Empower Your Shopping Experience with Customizable Accessibility Options
  • User-Friendly Accessibility Menu for All Audiences

Detailed Accessibility Evaluation and Compliance

Our accessibility audit reports provide a comprehensive assessment of your digital assets, ensuring they meet U.S., Canadian, European, and international regulations. Our team of certified accessibility experts manually evaluates your websites, apps, and designs, offering a detailed report that highlights areas for improvement and compliance